Saturday, 15 April 2017

Creating a viral campaign is like picking the winning lottery tickets, it doesn’t happen every day and there is a bit of luck involved. There is no formula for creating one. There are however things you can do to make the best marketing with a better chance that it will have the opportunity to go viral.

A viral campaign starts with your goals, just like any campaign. Viral campaign’s goals are usually focused on awareness. You want to be seen by the most people and the campaign needs to be shared by anyone who wants to share it to achieve these results.

After you decide your goal(s) the next step is to plan the campaign. Decide what will produce the most shareable content. Don’t be afraid to offend a group of people. This is usually where the viral campaigns happen.

 One group is shocked by what they saw, while another group loves it. Both sides of the coin will be talking and talking is the ultimate goal, they talk, share your post and the cycle continues. Another way for your campaign to go viral is to offer something very useful, funny or attention-getting.

To begin your campaign, start off small for the first couple of days. Give the campaign a chance to be seen and see what happens. Then start the promotion of it with press releases, ads, contests, or syndication. 

 Share your story with journalists and bloggers. Be creative not only in your campaign, but also in the ways you share it. You can offer incentives to blogger to share your campaign. You can also syndicate. Syndication is done when another blog shares your content on their site.


Have you create a campaign that went viral? If so, please share what you did

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