Sunday 20 November 2016

10 Secrets to Grow Your Website Traffic

When you have a website, your number one concern is always growing traffic to the website. There is no all-in-one solution for this. What works for one website may not always work for other websites. You need to find the formula that works for your website, and it may involve using a number of different tools and resources to get the results you are looking for.

 Here are 10 secrets that will help you achieve more traffic growth to your website.

1. Host a Workshop

Find experts in your area to work with in setting up a workshop that is directed at your target market. Host the workshop, and have the expert give a presentation, a question and answer session, etc. for the audience. This not only lets you network with local experts, but also grow traffic to your website.


2. Be on a Podcast

Locate a podcast that discusses things related to your business. Ask to be interviewed as a guest, and then start moving on to bigger interviews on bigger podcasts. Make sure that you mention your site and business during and at the end of each interview.

3. Start a Conversation on Twitter

If you can’t find a Twitter chat to join, start your own. This will help you to engage with the community and build a presence on Twitter. You will learn about what your readers want to know, and then answer with content in the future.

4. Start a Slack Team

Slack is just as important as Facebook, and you need to be sharing content there. Create your own Slack community, so there are never any worries about getting in trouble with group administrators for content they don’t like. Because you are creating the team, you know that everyone is there because they are interested in what you are sharing.

5. Post in Yahoo Groups

Look for groups that share an interest in what you are offering, and get involved. Look at the questions people are asking, and provide helpful answers that will encourage them to visit your site and learn more about what you have to offer. This is a great way to find future customers and increase search engine rankings.

6. Post in Forums

Look for niche forums that are centered around topics about your industry. Become a contributing member of these forums, and get to know the audience. Once you have shown that you are an authority on the subject, you can start promoting your website and drawing in new traffic. Be sure to use SEO services in your promotions to ensure high rankings in business searches.

7. Host a Reddit AMA

If you already have a small audience, and you already speak as an expert in the field, host a Reddit AMA. Your audience and other Reddit users will be able to ask you questions. It is best to use a targeted sub-Reddit instead of the default AMA.

8. Use Direct Targeted Email

When reaching out to Palm Beach area and other users, be sure to use direct, targeted email outreach. Before or after each post, find people who have tweeted about similar things. Reach out to these people about your posts, and ask them to take a look and see if they would like to be mentioned.

9. Post on Quora

Create a Quora profile, and make sure it has a link to your page, or to articles that are relevant to your page. Post answers to peoples’ questions, and include links to your articles within these answers, which will increase traffic. Be careful that you are not self-promoting, or even worse, spamming. Offer value while increasing website traffic.

10. Use Alert Blogs

If you are offering a product or feature that may be of interest to other blogs and publications, let them know about it. Writers are always looking for things to write about, and when you pitch it right, you can get picked up easily.
By following the tips above, you can attract more customers to your site.
Featured photo credit: Tranmautritam via

 Are there any other methods that you use to increase your website traffic?  If so, please take a moment to share them in the comments box below.

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