Friday, 30 December 2016

Quick Order - The best Magento Extension that increases your ecommerce sales

Magento has turned out to be the best platform for e-commerce portals. Most of the web store owners and B2B website owners are relying on this platform for building up a highly enriched portal. The ecommerce web developers are trying to take advantage of Magento to incorporate all the functions to a website. However, sometimes few features may not be present in the structure, and at this point Magento helps the developers with its add-ons, which are also termed as Extensions.

#AskDM What tools do you use to manage social media?

Do you have a favourite tool for managing your social media? We would love you to share it - Please comment in the section below.

Wednesday, 28 December 2016

The Answer to Compelling Content Marketing Lies in Consumer Insights

An in-depth understanding of consumers and what makes them tick can be the answer that experienced marketers are looking for, to create compelling content marketing strategies. 
But even today, many marketers are focusing more on how digital platforms like social networks, email, and search work, rather than concentrating on how consumers grasp these platforms and why they use them.

4 things to be present in a successful e commerce website

In any project, there are many aspects which go under consideration. Development of any enterprise website is a large-scale, complex process, but an e-Commerce site presents its own particular challenges. Since users will be coming to the site to learn about and purchase products, developers will want to do everything they can to make this process easy and intuitive.

Tuesday, 27 December 2016

Blunders For An Online Marketing Business

Setting up an online marketing business is a great way to get a slice of billions being spent online every year. When you have a good online marketing strategies in place your business will prosper and grow. Here are 5 online marketing blunders to watch out for.

The tremendous increase of billions being spent on the internet has stimulated lots of entrepreneurs to create their own online marketing business. When you have effective online marketing strategies set up your business will succeed and expand. Here are 5 online marketing mistakes to keep an eye out for.

Powerful customer service and marketing tips for business

Powerful lesson for businesses on utilising their customer service infrastructure to deliver massive value.
I recently changed my utility supplier to one that I had not used before. The decision to do so was driven by a combination of potential savings in utility bills and a responsive customer service.

My experience left me wondering whether my new supplier had indeed understood the value of their brand promise in delivering a personalised service to new and existing customers that went beyond the ‘price point’ and whether customer feedback was indeed a genuine driver of service improvement.

 As my experience is far from unusual I have set out below some key bullet points (tips) which businesses, irrespective of their product or service offering will find helpful in delivering a ‘customer first’ service with a strong commitment to embedding a culture of learning and continuous improvement. 

Get Your Arms Around Content Marketing

Back in the day, business owners and executives designed marketing messages for their products and services that, like a megaphone, were directed outward toward target customers and cast a wide net. The usual marketing media were print, radio and television.

Traditional marketing activities are still employed, but they've been joined by a more personalized strategy known as content marketing. Neil Patel, CEO of KISSmetrics, defines content marketing as "... the way for a business owner to educate customers and potential customers about your products and services.

 The goal is to offer tips, help and education about anything that can be useful to the customer. This kind of information can be shared in the form of a blog, white paper, webinar, video. or social post... "

Monday, 26 December 2016

7 Ways To Increase Consumption of Your Content

Given the many crackdowns by Google lately, the general consensus is, high quality content is more important that ever. I whole-heartedly agree with the quality part. However, this bit of advise seems to have a little “build it right and they will come” ring to it, and we all know things simply don’t work like that. In order for quality content to become spectacular, people need to consume it first.

The following are 7 things you can do to help people consume more of your content.

5 Inspiring Custom Logo and Graphic Design Ideas

Many people think you need to be creative all the time to be in a creative field. I don’t believe so. I know I do pretty well and I don’t think that creativity is seeping out of me. I think I’ve just become good at developing ways to find inspiration when I need it so  I can create great custom graphics and logos for myself and my clients.

Sunday, 25 December 2016

8 Steps To Get Your Social Media Ready For 2017

With 2017 fast approaching, now is the perfect time to start planning your social media activities for the new year. You can certainly carry on with the same approach you’ve had for the last 12 months, but you unfortunately can’t expect to get different results. On the other hand, if you want to see more followers, brand awareness, engagement, web traffic or sales in the new year, it’s time to make some important changes.
Not sure where to start? Here are 8 steps for you to follow:

10 Online Advertising Platforms to Drive More Traffic

Getting customers is a priority task for every business owner. Smaller businesses are usually in a continuous search for potential resources that could bring in extra income.

We live in a digital world, so online advertising is becoming extremely popular. And the main reason for that is its profitability. Nowadays, TV and Radio Ads, are starting to lose their effects.

Compared to the traditional advertising methods, online advertising brings huge benefits such as a better audience targeting, and higher amounts of traffic and potential customers.

If you want to start using paid advertising, you should first choose the platforms you’ll be working with. In this article we will write about the most popular online advertising platforms, so you can choose the one which would be the best for your business.

Saturday, 24 December 2016

9 Surprising Secrets about Email Open Rate

Imagine how things would have been oh-so-simple if there prevailed a magic spell like Abra-Ca-Dabra that would automatically compel the subscribers to open the emails once it had landed in the inbox.

 Email open rate would have increased in the wink of an eye and the dream of every email marketer would come true, phew! However, let us stop dreaming and get back to the real world of email marketing where achieving a healthy email open rate is a pain. So much so that some email marketers practically give up on this quest.

 I would say giving up is not an option as it would make you land nowhere in the world of email marketing and your brand name will vanish as there are other competitors in this quest. Therefore, let us proceed the blog and see what are the secrets of email open rate and how can we make use of these secrets to improve our email open rate. 

5 Great Tips to Attract New Customers If You Are a Small Business

Building a steady stream of new customers can seem like a complex task, especially if you are a small business. You have a great vision for your company, but you can’t prosper only on word of mouth. Try these 5 tips to get your company noticed and attract new customers.

Friday, 23 December 2016

10 Incredibly Useful LinkedIn Tools

We all know that social media is an important tool for businesses. But, did you also know that there are some pretty awesome apps and tools within these tools? Take LinkedIn for example. There are loads of little tools that help you gather customer data, find targeted profiles, unlock paid LinkedIn functions, and even get the sales process started. Let’s take a look at the 10 best and most useful LinkedIn tools.

8 Tips to Grow Your Personal Brand on Twitter

When it comes to growing your personal brand, there are three things you need to concentrate on: work, work, and more work. It really does take a lot of hard work to grow a personal brand on social media, because you only have so much to work with. Take Twitter for instance.

You have just 140 characters to get your message out there. You need to come up with ways to do this in a way that makes people want to learn more about your brand. Here are some tips for growing your personal brand on Twitter.

Thursday, 22 December 2016

8 Tips on How to Run Your First Webinar

If you have come up with a great idea for a webinar, the next step is to start creating your webinar. The first thing you need is great content. Make sure that the content you use is as specific as possible, and that you go into a lot of detail. This is going to help you stay focused on the topic, and keep things running smoothly without going off-topic. 

For example, if your topic is about pet care, narrow it down to a specific type of pet care. Once you have content, you can start getting into actually creating and running the webinar. Here are some tips to help get you started.

How To Make Money Online In 2017 (Online Business Blueprint)

What did you think about the marketing bluprint in the video to increasing profits in 2017.

Wednesday, 21 December 2016

Getting Hashtags Right in Your Marketing Strategy

A few days ago I headed out on my usual early morning journey to the gym.

My companion for this relatively short trip was Nick Grimshaw (Grimmy) from Radio 1's breakfast show. He was talking about one of his pet hates - the hashtag.

I nodded silently as he ranted about how he was fed up with people that overused it with pointless tags such as #truelove #bestboyfriendever and the particularly annoying #justsaying.

It is true, social media is rife with them and I've even seen tweets that are just full of hashtags.

But it got me thinking.

Can hashtags be a useful tool for businesses using Twitter as part of their marketing strategy?

5 Bandit Tests to Increase AdSense Earnings

Our approach will be a 5 arm bandit test for these factors:
  1. Left Side vs Right Side
  2. Above the Fold vs. Below the Fold
  3. Embedded vs Adjacent to Content
  4. Different AdSizes
  5. Mobile vs Desktop (Separate setup)
Before you go off Googling pictures of seniors who bodybuild, let me explain the analogy. Let's start with why a bandit test gets its name, what it does, and how it will help increase your ad earnings.

Tuesday, 20 December 2016

Generation Z and What They Mean for Your Marketing Campaign

Marketers are encouraged to learn to understand and embrace Generation Z. This generation is socially conscious, progressive, ambitious and engaged. Their entire lives they have had access to the Internet and an abundance of technology. While they may not currently be your target audience, by the year 2020 they will account for almost half of all consumers. Therefore, it is vital to connect with this generation and build relationships that will last.

The 5 Step Formula to a Digital Product

Are you struggling to create a digital product? You don't have to. Creating a high-quality information product isn't all that hard to do.

Let's go through the steps to product creation and get it created.

Monday, 19 December 2016

Steps to Sell Information Products Online

Creating your online presence is about establishing yourself as an expert in your niche. Releasing information products is a great way to offer up your knowledge and make money at the same time.

Here are some of the steps you’ll want to take in creating your first information product.

5 Ways to Increase Your Profits with Mailing Lists

Do you have a mailing list? When was the last time you had a look at how profitable the list is for you and made sure everything was up to date?

You’re likely one of the many people who’ve set up their list, got busy, and then forgot about it for a while. There are many things you can do right now to start making more money with your mailing list.

Sunday, 18 December 2016

Ways To Protect Your eCommerce Site From Cyber Criminals

This technology driven era is quite susceptible to potential security threats from hackers and cyber criminals. The one particular sector which obviously stands at greater risk is the eCommerce business.

With faster checkout systems plus easy buying and selling options facilitated online, people nowadays resort to greater amount of online shopping and transactions, thus creating significant chances of security breaches and attacks. Listed below are some ways to protect your eCommerce site from cyber criminals so that neither you nor your valuable customers face any sort of data or financial loss. Read them and adopt them as part of your Ecommerce site development strategy in order to keep your Ecommerce business fully safe and away from becoming a cybercrime victim.

How to Build Your Brand, Think Bigger and Develop Self Awareness — Gary ...

How to build a brand and think BIG - this is an awesome video. What do you think? Please share your feedbck in the section below

Saturday, 17 December 2016

4 things that can go wrong in an influencer campaign (and how to fix them)

Just as content marketing was on everyone’s lips a few years ago, 2016 was the year of “influencer marketing.” Working with content creators who have large social media followings to promote your brand is enticing and can be a great way to reach untapped audiences. But it’s not as easy as you think — and does not always go as planned.
Even with the most strategic and well-planned influencer campaign, issues can arise. Here are a few problems that marketers may face and how to deal with them.

Pinterest & Snapchat: 12 tips to dial in your visual ads

By this point, we’ve all traded enough Facebook advertising Q4 tips (raising hand) to write a few books on the subject.
If you’re not using all the tools in Facebook’s ROI kit in the next few weeks through the busy holiday shopping season, you don’t have many excuses.

But what about for the newer social platforms that don’t have as many best practices in circulation? For retail clients especially, there’s still time to make hay in Q4 on Pinterest and Snapchat.

Friday, 16 December 2016

10 Social Media Marketing Tools That Will Make Your Competitors Weep

What is the best social media marketing tool on the market?

This is a question that has sparked many heated debates among marketers. With so many different social media management tools available and their importance to any social media marketer, it can be very difficult to find the right tool for you.

Ian Anderson Gray of the Seriously Social blog has partnered up with G2Crowd to find out which tool amongst the top 5 rated social media management tools on the market is the best.

5 Top Tips For Driving a Ton of Free Traffic with Twitter

Twitter has been my secret sauce to building an online brand.

It became obvious to me early on that Twitter had the potential to drive traffic to my blog.

So I started growing my followers, tweeting links to my blog and testing different tactics to see what worked and what didn’t. I remember someone saying a few years ago that……”a tweet without a link is a wasted opportunity”.

That made sense to me.

So tweets were always sent with a link that took them from Twitter to my digital asset. That was my online portal and blog.

Thursday, 15 December 2016

9 Instagram Tools for Generating Small Business Leads

In 2010, Kevin Systrom and Mike Krieger launched a photo sharing app called Instagram. Within a week, they received 100,000 visitors. Today, over 300 million people use Instagram.
Since Instagram is such a popular social media site, it can be a powerful marketing platform for small businesses. There are a number of great Instagram tools that can help you generate more leads.
Here are the five best Instagram tools for small businesses.

The Next Level of Building Your Content Reach

One thing that most of the bloggers and website owners have lately realized is the fact that not only the search engines have grown smarter and learned how to differentiate between content and useful content, but also the average user has found new ways to find what they want.

 For example, before, the users would just put a search term in a search engine and would use any one website out of the first 3 or 4 to buy what they want (which meant you needed to be in top 3 to make profit); but now the same user would watch a review on YouTube, click the link in description and then buy the product (which has nothing to do with your position in the search engine).

Wednesday, 14 December 2016

How to Turn Your Facebook Page Into an Insane Traffic Driving Machine

So you’ve probably set up a Facebook page for your business and you’re wondering how all of this engagement is paying off. Social media can be a major time waster if done incorrectly, and where is this so-called return on investment?

How You Can Get Paid By Starting Your Own Social Media Marketing Agency

Check this out guys. Over 350,000 views in under 2 months. Please share your feedback in the comments box below.

Tuesday, 13 December 2016

How To Add Facebook Comments To Your Blog

As you have probably noticed, more and more blogs, e-commerce websites and all kinds of applications online are taking Facebook integration more seriously. One of those popular elements is Facebook Comments.
But what you probably don’t know is that it’s not that complicated to add them to your blog yourself. In fact, I’m pretty sure you can be rocking Facebook Comments on your blog in the next hour or so. I’ll tell you how to do it in just 5 steps.

The Role of Email Marketing in 2017 : A Conversation with the CMO of MailChimp

Email is somewhat of an enigma as far as marketing goes. Email easily tops the list among the communication channels that have emerged with the advent of the Internet, but in many ways its functionality hasn’t evolved much—except when it comes to email marketing.

Any marketer knows that getting email right, let alone understanding the mechanics behind it, is one of the most difficult parts of the job. That said, email works. If you’re unsure about that, take Tom Klein’s word for it. He’s the CMO of MailChimp after all. It walks and talks when it comes to email marketing, having sent 36 million of its own marketing emails in June alone. To understand more about this sticky subject, open the following insights from Mr. Klein in your mental inbox and file under “important.”

Monday, 12 December 2016

How to Use Growth Hacking for Massive Exposure

Growth hacking. Such a buzz word, right? But it seems like no one can come to an agreement on what it really is. Some say it’s when marketing meets product development. Others say it’s all about analytics and experimentation. And then, there are some that call growth hacker marketing just…bullshit.

So, what is it then? Let’s take a look at some of the most cited examples:

7 Ways Marketing HAS Changed (And It’s Not Just The Tools)

I keep hearing about how the rules of marketing haven’t changed —- we’re just using new tools.  I think that’s hogwash. Marketing has changed in profound ways.

First of all, it’s no small matter that the tools have changed.  When we started using the phone instead of the letter, or mobile phone instead of the land line, our lives changed in significant ways.  New communication tools have meant lost industries and jobs as well as new opportunities. The same is and will be true in marketing so we should not deny the major changes that face us.

Sunday, 11 December 2016

8 Things To Do Before You Start Online Marketing

Marketing is crucial for companies of all sizes. Not all business startups successfully launch their online marketing campaign to grow their user base and increase their chances of success. Most small businesses actually are not aware of what they need to know before starting their online marketing efforts.

Here is a list of things you need to know before starting your online marketing efforts:

5 Tips For Choosing The Right eCommerce Software

Launching an eCommerce business can be quite overwhelming. Negotiating with multiple suppliers, identifying the right price for your products, picking a shipping company for the various geographies you operate in are just some of the different things you will be doing at launch. The right eCommerce software is one that is easy to learn and should help you with these operational tasks out of the box.

But that is not all. Given the complexities of running a business, your eCommerce software should also do a host of other things to make your business operation smoother. Here is a checklist of features your eCommerce software must have.

Saturday, 10 December 2016

5 Ways Social Media Can Destroy You

At the onset of the Internet age, we were led to believe that the more information you have, the better off you are. No data is bad data and all data is useful. But then came social media.

Social media was supposed to be a great equalizing tool. It was a way to share your opinions with friends and strangers. More importantly, it was a way for people to come together to celebrate their achievements or protest their disappointments. It gave a voice to everyone.

But social media has an infamous dark side and the more people share, the more serious this side becomes. As it turns out, living your life online has serious consequences for your self-esteem, your relationships, and your career prospects.

Here are five ways that social media can destroy you.

Investing In Facebook Ads To Acquire Returns With Out Spending Much Money

Have you taken into consideration using Fb ads? Should you haven't had a chance of using Fb, then you definitely should realize that it really is one of the hottest social networking internet sites out there right now. In reality, you will find more than sixty-two million men and women worldwide actively making use of it and it continues to develop on a daily basis. The website itself allows you to build networks of pals, discover old ones and build new relationships.
There are numerous applications accessible on Facebook and a few of them offer us with pleasure like games. Whether you happen to be utilizing among these applications for your self or as a way of interacting with other folks, it may preserve you busy. In your workplace, Facebook could be helpful in refreshing your mind. It switches you from tedious boring operate to an excitement. Don't forget this quote, "Too significantly work with much less play makes Jack a dull boy."

Friday, 9 December 2016

3 Reasons You Are Struggling To Find Clients On Fb

If you’re like most people, you’ll confess the fact that you’re not getting enough clients for the advertising dollars you invest on Facebook. And in the worst case scenario, things can turn ugly when you invest money and time on Facebook only to end up with one or two clients, and they often come far in between.

It’s frustrating to only hear stories of some internet gurus using the social media giant to leverage their products and efforts to earn bug bucks, while your efforts seem not to yield any fruit. But what if there was a way to copy their style of marketing to gain Facebook leads in a short period of time, and without really struggling? If you want to find out the answer to your struggles in getting Facebook customers, you must understand the whys.

Here are the 3 main reasons you’re struggling to get quality Facebook leads

Google Adwords, Yahoo Search Marketing And Facebook Ads - A Comparison

Hello there now there's several ways to promote your online business and one of them is to use ad networks, just so that everyone understands the opportunities offered through ad networks I'm going to cover the 3 identified above and give you some pointers.

Thursday, 8 December 2016

What Separates an Affiliate From a Super Affiliate Marketer?

For one thing, you will never find that a super affiliate posting or sharing any affiliate link whatsoever because it's just Not Professional. And if you look at Social media for one, it had become a Tsunami of Spam and Affiliate Junk at best as everyone are just desperately aiming at a sale. 

Actual sales happen when you stop trying to sell something and start teaching something. The only way that you could possibly be in a position to teach a particular tactic, method or even product will require some time acquainting yourself.

Why Your Business Should Market on LinkedIn (infographic)

LinkedIn is the largest professional network in the world. It’s a popular website for people to find jobs, and it’s even more popular as a place to rub elbows with their coworkers.
But as you’ll see in this infographic from WebpageFX, LinkedIn is also a place to promote your business.

Wednesday, 7 December 2016

How Social media marketing can take your business to next level?

Social Media marketing has potential to attract new customers. It is big thing that must be taken as advantage. According to survey, 92% of marketers get more exposure and 80% of marketers indicated that Social Engine support increased traffic. Below given are some benefits of using social media network for marketing:

3 Tactics To Instantly Gain More B2B Leads

Ah, B2B leads! How greatly sought. How fervently desired. How freaking hard to get!
If I could sum up the greatest desire of most entrepreneurs and business owners, it would be this: I want more leads. Unfortunately, the process of gaining B2B leads is not easy. Some niches are notoriously difficult to penetrate.

Chances are you’re no stranger to the process of marketing. You already know the importance of identifying your target market, creating an ideal customer persona, streamlining your unique selling proposition, and having a foundation of great content.
What you need now are tactics. And what you’re about to read are three tactics that have consistently given me amazing results.

Tuesday, 6 December 2016

How Your Content Can Break Through The Facebook Clutter Without Annoying Your Fans [INFOGRAPHIC]

As social media king Facebook continues to grow (there are more than 1.27 billion users, using the network to date), so it's becoming a vital marketing arsenal for business marketers to stay connected with both existing consumers as well as new audiences.

Since Facebook has such a huge user base, chances are your potential customers will check out your Facebook presence first. Though setting up a page on Facebook takes hardly a few seconds, but there is more to know than just uploading your brand's logo and posting creepy updates. So how to get the most out of your FB business page check out this cool infographic by verticalresponse called Do this, not that! Facebook Edition.

What You Can (& Shouldn't) Automate for Social Media Marketing Success - #infographic

As far as the significance of automation in the success of social media is concerned, first of all, it is better to comprehend the notion of automation in a detailed manner. The concept of automation in the domain of social media suggests that it is the most influential tool through which organizations and small business owners are able to communicate messages to their potential and existing customers. Therefore, there are different kinds of tools or resources available that can be applied in order to perform the task of automation in the desired way.

Monday, 5 December 2016

Insta-Sales: Your Guide to Selling More with Instagram for Business

How can a business turn Instagram likes into sales? Adopting an effective social media strategy for Instagram is simpler than you may think. It all starts with knowing your audience, and the rest relies on your ability to adapt and refine an approach when targeting customers. Starting with a buyer persona will help you reach the right people, but it’s up to you to infuse excitement and fun into what you do to attract and convert new customers.

Here are some key steps to turn Instagram likes into sales:

Buyer Personas

Instagram is one of the most effective social media networks for applying Buyer Personas. This is because most Instagram users are interacting specifically with their interests (a niche), rather than Facebook, which builds a social network around your circle of friends (people you already know), as much of Instagram is based on personal interests. Therefore, it’s much easier to shape your posts with photographs using Buyer Personas that speak to your customer’s visual preferences. Your ability to sell well on Instagram all relies on how well you know your audience.

Instagram Advertising

Advertising your posts on Instagram is an easy way to instantly boost your reach online. Instagram gives you the option of sponsoring aesthetically pleasing Instagram Ads in Photos, Videos, and Carousels for businesses. There are 400 million Instagrammers globally, and in fact, Instagram is more widely used internationally because of its visual nature. In addition, the human brain has the power to process graphics at a much faster speed than text, which gives you the advantage of connecting with new customers in an instant.

Business Profile Hacks

Besides the new Instagram feed changes, tools will soon be added to Instagram to help business form a more effective social media strategy. Before Instagram rolls out with Business Profiles, there are a few things you can do to hack your profile. If you’re a business trying to rank for a specific keyword, then use this keyword as your “name” and your company name as your “username”. For instance, we use “digital marketing agency”, and it helps us rank for this specific keyword.

Hashtag Targeting & Timing

There’s a time and a place for everything, and this goes for Instagram as well. Pay close attention to hashtag trends, and do your hashtag research before developing your Instagram strategy. Instagram is the easiest place to reach people via hashtag, which makes it easier for you to get your photographs in front of the right people (aka people using the same hashtags and following them through). But you should always make note of posting times and performance to figure out which times of the day are best for publishing your particular content on Instagram.

Contests & Giveaways

People like to have fun with Instagram, so why suck the fun out of it? You don’t have to be labeled an ‘advertiser’ when you make your content likable. So, conduct a contest or giveaway to find out how much buzz you can create around your company’s offerings. Take a top product (something you know everyone already wants), and invite Instagrammers to share (by tagging your username in the reply or adding a specific hashtag) to enter the contest. This not only helps you gain exposure, but it converts Instagram likes into sales.

The Like 3x Method

The magic trick to getting people to engage on Instagram? Interact with them first, and not just once, but three times to let them know you’re serious. It may seem silly, but to succeed in social, you have to socialize. If you’re an Instagram user, then you can probably relate to that warm fuzzy feeling you get when you receive a new follower or when someone “like” bombs your posts. If you really want to connect with new customers, like three times, then follow.

Launch a New Product Showcase

With the ability to create Carousel ads, product showcases were born. Instagram is an amazing place to post gorgeous display photos for your next new product launch. It goes hand-in-hand with your global online outreach efforts. Instagrammers should be reacting instantly to your products, and if they are not, this means that either you haven’t found your audience or your approach needs work (more reach, better photos, different post times, engaging captions, etc.). 

Find the BIG People - Instagram Influencers

If you decide to conduct a contest around your product, wouldn’t it be nice to get it in front of influencers? You know — the people who already have thousands of followers interested in the same niche topic? Yes, the best approach for Insta-success is relevance in high volumes. You need tons of new people all interested in your products taking a look at your posts, and the quickest way to do this (without attempting to build an influential profile on your own) is influencers in your niche. If you want further reach, try standing on the shoulders of giants — or those people who have already done it.

B-E Aggressive

Social media strategies are best when they’re aggressive. You might be constantly asking yourself, what’s the point of using social media for a business? Does it really help sell more? You bet it does. Keep in mind, people want to connect with people, not brands. But even more importantly, they want to see consistency, and they like when you make an effort to connect with them. That’s why one of the most fundamental aspects of any social media strategy is be more aggressive.

The key is establishing trust and growing your community. Waiting around for people to join your following is completely unnecessary. Don’t start pitching like a used car salesman, but instead, make a daily effort to find new followers and connect on a personal level. Use the “Discover People” and “Explore” search tool to find Instagrammers in your niche and interact with your current followers by liking posts and answering comments.

Be Original, Creative & Professional

Why is branding an essential part of marketing in the 21st Century? Because it’s the key to selling more. There are three things that are most likely missing if you are having problems succeeding with Instagram. Originality — it’s a novelty. Creativity — it appeals to the emotions. Professionalism — and, it checks out. Professionalism alone does not impress people, since it’s usually expected. But combine all three of these things, and there’s no way your Instagram following can resist growing.

How do you grow your Instagram following? Share your Insta-success method with us below.

Pinterest Sells! Here's How to Do It - infographic

With more than 70 Million monthly active users Pinterest is one of the most used social media sites on the globe, where 80 percent of Pins are reshared (Repin) proving that the social network can be a great tool for business marketers.

Pinterest can be a powerful, fun and creative way of marketing yourself or your business, but if you're new to the social media it can be a little difficult. Here are some tips to use Pinterest like a Pro.

Sunday, 4 December 2016

#SocialMediaMarketing: 7 Tips To Turn You Into A Twitter Pro - #infographic

Are you leveraging twitter to promote your small business, products or services?
“Twitter is a great tool for marketing, but are you getting the most out of your profile? This infographic (produced by Salesforce) will teach you key ways to optimize your Twitter profile (both for individuals and for brands), best practices for tweet structure, and how to increase engagement.”

By adopting some of these tips you can become a more effective twitter user, increase your following, and grow awareness of your business or brand.

How to Get Rid of Twitter Spam

No one wants to see their Twitter cluttered with useless information. If your Twitter account is trending, it comes under the radar of spambots, which are automated tools to grab your trending hashtags and emit links hoping you will click on them.

If you want to keep things clear and easy in your Twitter stream, it’s imperative to get rid of all the spam, which is an abbreviation for a stupid, pointless and annoying message.

Direct messages can also be a waste of time. No one wants to go through a list of unwanted buffering and managing spam.

Mentioned below are a few guidelines to help you in your personal mission to cleanse your Twitter profile.

Saturday, 3 December 2016

3 Ways to Create a Thriving Twitter Account - #SocialMedia Marketing Tips

Twitter is, quite possibly, the most exciting of all the social networks. Everything happening right now in the world is also happening right now on Twitter. The problem for many trying to create a better Twitter account is that they think they don’t need a plan. Tweets are sent out with no purpose, followers are ignored, and their audience doesn’t grow because of all these issues. Every business needs a basic understanding of what’s going on.

There are a number of proven ways that you can make your account grow. It’s been shown time and time again by successful accounts over the years, and I’m going to show these techniques to you.

5 Amazing Workflows to Better Manage Your Marketing Automation

Being the smart and practical marketer that you are, you already know how valuable a conversion can be. 

A conversion does not only mean that you have turned a prospect into a customer, but probably more importantly, it means that you now have a satisfied and engaged customer who will come back for more. Therefore, a savvy marketer does all that they can to gain good quality conversions. 

Friday, 2 December 2016

13 Ways to Get Traffic From Twitter

Despite the brilliance of your occasional tweets, somehow the world isn't beating a path to your blog or website. What are others doing that you are not?
(Note: Wherever I say 'blog' in this article I'm including regular websites too as the strategies are the same.)

The question above is one I posed to myself some time ago, which led me to do some research and change my Twitter ways. You will be the lucky recipients of that research without having to do the work.

Getting Twitter To Advertise Your Blog

Any Professional Blogger will tell you that their most valued secrets are Plugins. It is how they do their Search Engine Optimization, Traffic Generation, Affiliate Link Cloaking and Much More. Plugins is how you share affiliate links on social media, without getting blocked or suspended. Although the true professionals and super affiliate marketers never share affiliate links, but rather links to their own blogs and email lists.

Thursday, 1 December 2016

Boost Your Business with a Powerful Referral Marketing Strategy

Referral marketing is a new twist on word of mouth marketing – one of the oldest and most effective means of promoting practically any type of product or service. According to a recent study of small business owners conducted by Verizon and Small Business Trends, 85 percent of small businesses credit word of mouth as the number one method of attracting new customers.

With a well-crafted referral strategy, you can dramatically increase the volume and quality of referral leads for your business – usually with no more than a modest out-of-pocket expense. Here are seven practical tactics that can help get your own referral campaign started on the right foot.

Finding the right colour for your brand

The Psychology Behind Choosing Your Brand’s Colour

When it comes to marketing, it’s essential that your brand – whether it’s website design, customer experience or a small town restaurant – represents the core values of your business, right down to the finer details.

Whilst many people may think that the colour scheme behind a business is just picked out of thin air, or chosen for purely aesthetic reasons, there’s a much greater reason why a specific colour is chosen and it’s all down to what the colour says and how it makes audiences feel.

Wednesday, 30 November 2016

How to Build an Effective YouTube Channel

With digital advertising set to pass the $77 billion mark next year and surpassing TV advertising spend for the first time, there has never been a better time to get your company a video presence online. With a new suite of tools to help small businesses set themselves up, YouTube is the platform to get started on. Whilst there are other video platforms out there like Vimeo, Vine and Instagram, with a billion users per month, it would be folly not to focus on YouTube.

But where do you start when it comes to creating and then honing your YouTube presence? A sensible approach would be setting up your YouTube channel. Whilst your videos will hopefully get discovered through search, it’s here you ultimately want people interested in your brand to end up. In this way think of your YouTube channel like a second website.

HOW TO MAKE MONEY ON YOUTUBE - Getting started on YouTube series

Did you find the advice and tips helpful in making money on youtube? Please share what worked for you in the comments box below.

Tuesday, 29 November 2016

5 Research-Driven Tips for Increasing Sales on Your Website

If you’re struggling to get sales, you probably do not need more traffic. Instead, you need to work on improving your conversion rates. Not only will this have more of a long-term, compounding effect on sales, but it will cost you next to nothing.

Research from Eisenberg Holdings found that the average company spends a meagre $1 to convert website visitors, but spend $92 get visitors to bring people to their website. Naturally, many businesses will keep struggling to close sales.

4 Lesser Known Facebook Ad Tips to Get the Most For Your Budget

I’m a huge fan of how easy Facebook has made it to advertise on their platform. You can create a campaign with zero experience and have it submitted to Facebook Ad Approvers within minutes. It’s truly a powerful time we live in.

Want to know what’s not amazing? The fact that there are some incredibly profitable elements that 99% of Facebook Advertisers don’t know about. In this post, I’m going to help you:
  • Find the ads that work best for you
  • Find the audience segments that work best for you
  • Spend your money in the smartest, most strategic way possible
  • Improve your interest targeting
With these tips, you’ll be able to eliminate the unprofitable parts of your campaigns, find the hidden gems, and massively improve your targeting.

Monday, 28 November 2016

7 Free Social Media Tools to Make You More Efficient

If you manage social media in your business, you’ll know just how much hard work and effort goes into developing a social media strategy. Coupled with reporting, responding to customers, and creating, scheduling and tracking content, it can be quite a challenge.

However, there are a huge range of tools you can use to help you become more efficient and effective in your job. So, whether you’re a full-time Social Media Manager, or have other responsibilities within the business, these tools can help free up your time for other important tasks. Here’s a list of seven popular tools to get you started.

5 Tips to Master Your Brand’s Customer Service on Twitter

Twitter might be struggling, but brand customer service on the platform is more popular than ever. In the last 2 years, Tweets to brands and their customer service handles have increased by 250%. Many people also choose Twitter over other social platforms for customer service. In fact, 80% of customer service requests on social media happen on Twitter.

The reasons behind this preference are pretty clear. Twitter allows customers to quickly and easily get the attention of brands. The resulting conversation between a brand and a customer is public, so customers can hold brands accountable while the rest of the Twitterverse watches. For consumers, there’s an opportunity to publicly shame a brand until they get what they want. For brands, there’s an opportunity to boost (or damage) their image to attract (or deter) existing and prospective customers.

Sunday, 27 November 2016

How To Start A Profitable Blog 2016

What do you think about this video on making money through blogging? Share your comments in the box below.

Here’s What Every Solopreneur Should Know about Social Media

Aren’t you sick and tired of trying to figure out this social media stuff? I can’t say I blame you. Social media for solopreneurs can be quite a challenge.

If you’re anything like me, you’ve probably tried tons of different advice. You might have even had some success.

But then you hit a wall.

It’s like you’re hitting your Twitter glass ceiling. You just can’t seem to attract new followers.
On top of that, your website isn’t getting much traffic from social media. You may have even considered giving up!

Here’s the thing: social media marketing doesn’t have to be hard for solopreneurs. Chances are, there might be just one mistake that you’re making that is keeping you from moving forward.

Fortunately, there are ways to improve your social media marketing. Social media doesn’t have to be some insurmountable challenge that gives you a headache just by thinking about it.

Saturday, 26 November 2016

50 Small Business Ideas for People Who GET Social Media

Social media is an essential tool for many different businesses. But for some, knowledge of social media is an absolutely integral part of running a business. If you really GET social media, here are some potential small business ideas you can use to build a business around your social media expertise.

Social Media Business Ideas

How to Crush It on the Top 4 Social Media Platforms

You’ve heard it a million times.

Entrepreneurs and solopreneurs need to use social media to grow their audience and interact with prospects and clients.

It’s true. Social media is one of the most effective ways to get in front of the people you want to serve.

But so many entrepreneurs are doing it wrong.

Friday, 25 November 2016

Social Media Calendar Template for Small Business

social media calendar template
Word Doc – click to download
Excel Version – click to download
PDF Version – click to download

This social media calendar template for small business is for YOU!

45 Creative Social Media Marketing Tips You Don’t Hear Every Day

Social media’s potential impact for small businesses cannot be understated. But if you’ve been using social media for awhile, then you probably already know a lot of the standard tips. 

However, there are plenty of other things you can do on social media aside from just posting product photos and responding to customer inquiries. Here are some social media marketing tips that you don’t hear every day.

How to Use Social Media For Marketing Creatively

Thursday, 24 November 2016

Top 10 Social Media Plugins for WordPress

Social media is a crucial component for any online marketing strategy. If you’re running your small business website on the WordPress platform, it’s incredibly easy to integrate social. There are hundreds of ready made social media plugins for WordPress to choose from.

Your choice of social media plugins for your WordPress website will depend on which social platforms you use actively, what kind of content you offer on your site, and the best look and placement of social tools that complements your website design. From simple to richly featured, below are some of the best WordPress plugins for social media.

Wednesday, 23 November 2016

Why Blogs Fail (and Why Yours Could be Next)

You’re doing everything you’re supposed to do.

You’re writing posts readers seem to enjoy. Your traffic is increasing. A popular blogger has noticed you and tweeted one of your posts.

You’re putting in the time day after day and week after week to make your blog successful. And, little by little, you’re seeing results.

So why do you feel empty?

How To Create A Quiz With Social Media Lead Generation Software

There are plenty of ways to generate business leads online, but have you ever tried to create a quiz for social media lead generation?

Social media quizzes have a knack for driving traffic, engagement, revenue and generating leads. So today, we’ll be showing you how to create your own social media quiz.

Tuesday, 22 November 2016

9 Lessons Bloggers Can Learn from Marathoners to Maintain Momentum When Blogging Gets Tough



Hair pulling.

Nail chewing.

This is just some of what your body can endure when you have a blog. Or when you attempt to write a post.

It’s so much work, and the stress can be brutal at times. So much that it makes you want to quit.

7 Ways to Keep Your Information Safe on the Internet

It’s almost unavoidable to buy products online or give our personal information to trusted websites. Unfortunately, that information isn’t always safe and criminals could easily access sensitive knowledge about you. To help, we’ve made a guide for regular people who don’t have time to develop a deeper understanding about wireless networks, yet still need to protect their data over wireless channels.

Monday, 21 November 2016

Top 10 Tools That Will Revolutionize Screenshots in 2017

Modern operating systems come with several built-in options for taking screenshots. The most popular one is the Print Screen button, but apart from this, there are also small applications such as the well-known Snipping tool in Windows 7. However, if you want an advanced screen capture program, you may consider using one of the following:

8 Tips to Attract Your First 250K Instagram Followers

Instagram is hands-down one of the most popular social media networks. There is so much available attention to capture, which is why building a large following is such a top priority for brands and individuals.

A friend of mine, Jessica Sorkin, better known as @thehandyj on Instagram, has built a very engaged following of more than 277,000 in a very short period of time. Warning: some of her content is NSFW.

Sunday, 20 November 2016

5 Tips For Effective Twitter Ads

What have you found to work when advertising on Twitter – are there any tips and tactics you can share? If so, then please share them in the comments box below

10 Secrets to Grow Your Website Traffic

When you have a website, your number one concern is always growing traffic to the website. There is no all-in-one solution for this. What works for one website may not always work for other websites. You need to find the formula that works for your website, and it may involve using a number of different tools and resources to get the results you are looking for.

 Here are 10 secrets that will help you achieve more traffic growth to your website.

Saturday, 19 November 2016

Music As A Marketing Tool Focused On Millennials

As all social media users know, millennials are now ruling the economics, making up more than 25% of the US population, with a purchase power of around $1 trillion dollars, and it’s not just me who says this: you can check the numbers on PTTOW, CNBC, and Forbes.
Because we spent a large part of our lives under the influence of electronics and social media, we like to see brands going an extra mile in order to sell us stuff.

Millennials are probably the first generation of buyers who prize the emotional bond between them and the seller. In order to make a millennial buy, you need to represent the complex set of values they appreciate and reach to them, speaking their own language.

5 Steps to Guarantee Online Marketing Campaign Success

It’s time you know that an Effective Marketing Campaign doesn’t need to be too difficult or expensive. All successful online marketing campaigns should be within the grasp of any business whatever your budget is.

 An organized, planned online marketing campaign circling through different targeted sites is not too difficult to coordinate, does not have to be too costly and can generate sales and traffic faster than any other online marketing efforts.

Committing to these steps below and following them through can create a cost effective campaign and guaranteed investment returns within a short period.

Friday, 18 November 2016

7 Effortless Ways to Earning Money Online

Are you looking for the easy ways to make money online? Then you’ve come to the right place! For a few years now, making money over the internet has been a hot topic. However, we all see the new ways of achieving those goals tend to pop up every day due to the ever-changing nature of the Web.

Here, I’ve compiled a list of easier and efficient ways that you can use to generate high incomes, and you won’t get caught off guard. Just have a look and choose from the list that best suits your taste.

How to Drive Sales With AdWords’ New Price Extensions for Mobile Text Ads

Imagine trying to sell your product in a crowded city square with a single poster on a huge wall covered in them. You may get a couple of buyers but, more than likely, your ad will blend in among all the others, no matter how good of a product you’re selling.

Now imagine you have a sales rep holding that same poster in front of the wall, personally greeting potential customers. More sales, right?

Take it a step further, and add a fancy booth with a megaphone announcing all of your latest deals. Customers will be drawn to you, leaving your competitors’ product posters serving as a backsplash for your main attraction.

This is what the new AdWords Price Extension can do for you, extending the revenue you pull in with each ad.

Thursday, 17 November 2016

How We Doubled Email Signups in 30 Days: Our Strategies to Get More Email Subscribers

We wrote a post awhile back about email list building, and in the course of writing that post, we got the Christmas morning jitters. We wanted to try every single idea we could.
And so we did.
 And wouldn’t you know it, the ideas worked!

I’m really happy to share with you our experience from an exciting month of email list building and the strategies we used to get more email subscribers. The hugely encouraging aspect to all this is that our simple email changes can be done by anyone.

 If you’re interested in growing your email list and gaining new subscribers, feel free to borrow any of the ideas we’ll share below. I’ll let you know exactly how we did it. 

How To Find Anyone’s Email Address In 60 Seconds Or Less

If you’re a specialist in SEO or link acquisition, then you’ll know that generic email addresses are as much use as a chocolate fireguard when it comes to outreach.

You need to develop personal connections with influencers, regardless of whether you work in PR or SEO, it’s always the same.

But finding the right person’s email address can be a draining, time-consuming task.
Who has time for that?

Well, actually, it’s not so difficult, or time-consuming.
In this post, I’m going to walk you through the exact step-by-step process our agency uses to find (almost) anyone’s email address, in 60 seconds or less!

Wednesday, 16 November 2016

How to Choose The Right Keywords to Optimize For

Arguably the most important aspect of writing or editing an article with search engine optimization (SEO) in mind is choosing the best target keyword phrase.

 It can also be one of the trickiest strategies of content SEO to master. But if you choose the right keyword phrase for a given article and weave it into an engaging and well-written piece, your article could be well on its way to a page one ranking in search engines for that phrase.

Google is Splitting its Search Index, Prioritizing Mobile over Desktop

Google is splitting its index of search results into separate versions for mobile and desktop, a change which will happen in the coming months.

The split will see Google’s index broken into a rapidly updated mobile version, and a desktop version which will not be updated as frequently.

Tuesday, 15 November 2016

5 Stellar Ideas for Boosting Your Enterprise in 2017

I’m guessing that World Space Week is not yet on your planning radar, and unless you happen to work for NASA, Lockheed Martin or IMAX (which is airing a galaxy of recent sci-fi giants that week) I totally understand. Hell, you’re boosting your enterprise after all, you don’t have time to count stars!
Nonetheless, I’d like to suggest that you take the week of October 3 as a time to explore new horizons for your brands and accelerate the opportunity for your business to boldly go where it’s never gone before. To help you launch this initiative, here are five stellar ideas from five marketing supernovas.

The Social Media Glossary: 226 Essential Definitions

A lot can change in a year, especially in the world of social media. It can be difficult to keep up with all of the terms and slang used with the introduction of new technologies and platforms, so we decided it was time to update our Social Media Glossary. Like previous editions of the glossary, this is a living document that will continue to grow as we add more terms and expand our definitions.


Monday, 14 November 2016

Gary Vaynerchuk's Top 10 Rules For Success (@garyvee)

What an interesting video - a solid foundation for achieving SUCCESS. Did you find this video helpful, informative, inspirational? Share yor views in the comments box below.

Is Sunday a Good Day to Send a Marketing Email?

Sunday, 13 November 2016

How to Use LinkedIn to License Your Concepts for New Products

For more than 16 years now, I’ve been teaching people how to license their ideas for new products. I was attracted to the licensing model because it enabled me to focus on what I liked -- being creative, working with my hands -- on my own time. 

If a product I conceived of became successful, I’d earn royalties, which are a form of passive income. I knew passive income was worth seeking out and that the multiplying effect was important.

12 Easy-to-Use Content Creation Tools You Will Fall in Love With

As far as marketing on the World Wide Web is concerned, it’s safe to say that the most important aspect of it right now is inbound marketing. As opposed to shoving your service or product down your customers’ throat and sounding like a used car salesman (“For you, my friend, I make special price!”), and doing so through paid campaigns, spam, or online ads, you need to be more focused on providing high-quality content, such as blogs, ebooks, or webinars potential customers can actually use, before they decide to pick your product as a solution to their problem.

Providing informative content establishes you as an authority in the field, and instills trust into your reader’s minds, which are then more likely to make a purchase, because you went the extra mile to help them. This approach works because it’s organic, and it’s here to stay.

That being said, inbound marketing does require a lot of work, and you need to have a skill set that is broad enough in order to produce versatile, high-quality content. This is the reason behind our list, which contains 12 simple, yet effective tools you will go crazy over, and which will help you create amazing content.