Wednesday, 8 February 2017

3 Resources to Find a New Niche for Your Blog

 realistic business concept image. find your niche

Lots of bloggers have blogs of their own that focus on how to make money with wordpress, writing tips and so on…

Once the blogger begins to realize they have the potential and skills to make money in the world of blogging, they start to think about other ways they can create new sites and make money in the process.

The biggest problem many of these bloggers face is that they simply don’t know where to start when it comes time to look for a new niche to explore.

Sure, it’s easy to build a “wordpress” or “blogging tips” site that you can build incoming links to through guest blogging, but what about a completely new niche… do you have the skills to venture out into the unknown and build a niche blog from scratch?

I’ve recently started my own create a blog follow along series that shows people how they can get started with their own blog and explore the world outside of “make money online” and “blogging tips” based sites.

When doing research for my case study I spent a lot of time before I finally decided on my next niche.

Here are some of the methods I used to find new keywords and niches you might never have thought about.

Search Engine Trends

An excellent way to find what people are searching on and any of the current trends going on is through the search engines. Google has “Trends” which features the top search phrases that people are searching for right now. Twitter has a similar feature when searching through their site and you can also take a look at what’s ranking well on Alexa. All of these sources make for a ton of under monetized niches and areas you can start a blog in.

News Web Sites

One of my personal favorite ways to find new hidden niches is actually by accident by looking through news articles on sites like They create some amazing top lists for everything from education, finance and top places in the world to live. These are really great tools for when it comes to discovering new niches and blog ideas.

Keyword Software

Lastly, long tail keyword software is your best friend out there. No matter what niche you are going to be in, you are going to want to find out how many people are searching for keywords in your niche and what the competition looks like. When using keyword software you may even discover new niches that you didn’t even think of before. Before starting a new site you need to find out if you can compete with the top ranking sites for your specific keyword.

It’s extremely easy to start a blog of your own, but turning it into a successful and profitable business is a full time job.

Make sure you do all of the necessary research before going out and buying a domain name and creating content for your site. No one likes to do all of this research before hand, and it’s much more fun to create a blog than it is to plan it out, but in the end you will be much better off!

Author  Zac Johnson

Do you ahve a favourite technique for finding a new niche?  Please share in the box below.

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