Friday, 10 February 2017

Top 9 tips for an SEO-friendly Blog Post

 Blur, Close-Up, Collage, Computer, Desk, Fingers, Focus

Before anything, your blog post is just a good writing! Many blogs just start writing when you create a new blog post. They just enter ideas. For some people, this may be enough because they are natural writing geniuses. Other people may need some help. I myself always follow the next set of "rules".

1. Think before you write!

Think carefully about your textual information. What would you like to tell the reader, or which central question would you like to ask? What is the purpose of your text? What do you want the reader to do at the end of the page? Before you start writing, write down the answers to these questions.

2. Write down the structure of your blog post.

Start your post with creating a clear structure. Each post should have:
Some kind of introduction (in which you introduce your subject);
Body (where the main message is written);
A conclusion (should summarize the most important ideas or infer some new ideas).
Write down what you want to write in these three sections. You now have a summary of your post. True writing can begin.

3. Use the paragraph.

Everyone uses paragraphs, but makes sure to use meaningful paragraphs. Do not start a new sentence on a new line, just because it looks good. There should be a reason to introduce a new paragraph. Each paragraph should have a main idea or theme. Ask yourself what the main idea of each paragraph is. You should be able to master the main idea in a sentence. If you need more sentences, you only need more paragraphs.

4. Use the title.

The title structure is the entire page, so you should use the title. They are important for readability, but also important for SEO. Titles help Google to help you rank by helping you stay on topical topics. If you want people to find their way in your articles, you should use subtitles. The subtitle will guide people to help them scan your pages and clarify the structure of your articles. Make sure you use keywords in certain subtitles. Not in every one of them, though, because it makes the text unreadable.

5. Use the signal word.

Signal words help people scan your text and help people master the main idea. For example, people have three reasons to buy your product. You should use the signal words: "first"; "second" and "last". In addition, words like "Anyway", "Sure" and "Indeed" give your reader a clear signal. The reader will immediately get a conclusion, followed by words such as "results", "so" or "for this reason." Therefore, the signal word is very important to construct the text.

Let others read your post.

Please let others read your post before posting your message. Ask him / her if you understand the main idea of your post. Correct spelling errors and incorrect sentences.

7. Optimize the article length.

Make sure your article has at least 300 words. Google loves lengthy articles, and if your article is too long, you may scare away users. So try to stop at about 700 words. And, as a general rule of thumb: try to put the search terms somewhere between 1% and 2% of the text. So in a 300-word article, you should mention your search terms 3 to 6 times.

8. Link to previous content.

If you have already written some content about the topic of your current post, do not forget to link to them. It will make your post stronger because you show some authority on the subject. Second, your link structure is also important to your ranking in Google. Of course, your readers may also be interested in these related posts.

9. Add content on a regular basis.

Adding physical and functional information to your site will give Google an idea of whether your site exists. If the site is not a valid site, Google will crawl the site less frequently. This may affect your ranking.


Have you a favourite SEO tip for blog posts?  Please share your comments below. 

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