Monday, 6 March 2017

Tactics You Should Be Using in Your Online Marketing

Online Marketing, Internet Marketing

The best way to generate more quality traffic to your online properties is by using internet marketing. This has proven to be very effective, but only when the right tactics are being used. SEO and social media marketing companies are privy to what it takes to be an online success, which is why you should definitely consider consulting with one while putting together your own strategy.
There are more than 364 million businesses on the web, which means you have a lot of work to do to get the attention of consumers. Blogs and social media are a must if you want to attract prospects – and this goes for both B2B and B2C businesses.
If you’re currently planning your online marketing strategy, then consider adding at least one of the following to your plan.

Use Twitter Ads

Businesses that have already started using Twitter ads are really reaping the benefits. Twitter recently started experimenting with its ad space, which now extends to your following list, not just your followers. In the past, ads were only visible on the timeline.
Also, when you purchase ads on Twitter, consider targeting followers of the accounts you actually want to target. This is easier, since there will be less competition. Choose accounts that your target audience are likely to follow and watch your reach increase.

Target Businesses On LinkedIn

B2B professionals and business owners should consider using LinkedIn to connect with prospects. You can do this by promoting the content you write and targeting seniority levels, business size, job titles and so on. When these folks see your sponsored updates, they will see your profile and brand as well. It’s a great way to reach others within any industry.

Take Part in Groups On LinkedIn

There’s more to it than just marketing content on social media, companies should also join in on the conversations had on the platforms. For instance, on LinkedIn, you can join groups and participate in discussions. The idea here is to position yourself as an authority on the topic, proving yourself as a source of knowledge. You can even go as far as to give away a free download, such as an eBook or whitepaper on the subject.

Target Facebook Users By Job Title

Another option would be to use Facebook, which allows you to target individuals based on their job title. If your target customer works in certain positions, then this can be profitable tool. Your ads will be shown to these individuals, increasing your chances of gaining traffic from them.

Use Facebook’s Behavior Targeting Option

Under the behaviors option on Facebook ad targeting, you will find “small business owners.” You can also review other targeting options that are available that can help you better target other professionals in your industry. It’s a good idea to implement split testing to see which behavioral groups, job titles, and interests are worthwhile and which aren’t. Social media marketing services in Los Angeles help companies with this all the time.

Consider Buying Video Ad Space On YouTube

There are billions of videos publish on YouTube, so why not leverage them in your strategy? Rather than spending the time and money to create your own videos, you can simply buy ad space on videos produced by others. You should consider targeting how-to videos since these are very popular. These are typically watched by folks who are go-getters and are more likely to react to ads that relate to the content, especially if it can help them with whatever it is they’re trying to achieve.

Buy Banner Ads On Niche Websites

Search around for websites that are industry-specific and try to purchase banner ads on them. The more niche the site, the better the potential conversion rate. You can also use Google AdWords, which allows you to display banner ads on sites that your target audience visits.

Publish Content On Popular Blogs

Magazines are being replaced by blogs, which is why you need to be publishing content on them. Millions of people are reading popular blogs in your niche, most of which accept guest posts. All you need is quality content that suits the site and the reader. This is cost-effective and offers great results for boosting incoming traffic. Not to mention, this is great for Search Engine Optimization, since each guest post counts as a backlink.
There are many tactics you can use to improve your online marketing, but it has to be implemented effectively. Consider consulting with social media marketing companies to see how you can build or improve your internet marketing plan. 
Have you used any of these tactics for your business? please comment below.

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