Thursday, 16 March 2017

Your Opt-In List Is Your Business

Lost Places, Office, Broken

Ultimate success in internet marketing is through the growing of an opt-in list; the bigger your list, the bigger your profits. This is a truism at the heart of a successful online business. 

However, a list will only treat you well if you treat your list well. If all you do is bombard your subscribers with sales pitches, don't expect them to stick around; - because they won't! 

Most of the communications you send out to your list should be free information of interest to them.

 Newsletters are a great way to keep up regular contact plus relevant items from around the internet. Keeping your list happy is at the heart of the internet marketing business, because your opt-in list is your business.

Your list, however, must be built upon a firm foundation. We often hear that the ideal niche is one that gets you fired up personally so that you can sell your knowledge and enthusiasm to others. This is not necessarily good advice. It helps if your selected niche is one that interests you or about which you have some knowledge but that does not, in itself, give you a good marketplace.

 You are, first and foremost, looking for a 'hot' market; a group of hungry people who are really hooked on a particular topic. Once you have found that topic you have your marketplace.

Once you have found your niche and begun to bring in subscribers to your opt-in list, communicate with them. Start to build a relationship. The more you give to your list the more they are likely to reciprocate. As your potential customers have probably never met you it is important to gain their trust. 

Always try to think from their point of view rather than from your own. This is a crucial piece of advice when dealing with the writing of sales letters too. Many will join your list by signing up to a free report or e-book. This must be a high quality product. 

If what you are offering for free is poor, how do you expect people to part with their hard-earned cash to purchase products for which they may have to pay a significant amount of money.

When it comes to offering products or services to your list, ensure that what you offer fits your niche, that it is a quality product relevant to your list subscribers and provides an answer to whatever their issues may be. 

There are different types of product which can be offered. Digital products are always popular, both with customers and marketers as delivery is immediate. However, DVDs, CDs, reports, e-books, etc. are valuable items too. With internet marketing it is the content which matters.

Building opt-in lists takes time; - "Rome wasn't built in a day". It takes effort to build a relationship with your list. It takes persistence to do the research necessary to create an ongoing communication with your subscribers.

It takes time to research your niche and create or source quality products to offer to them. It takes thought and a conscientious approach if you are to develop a large contented list who will stay with you more-or-less indefinitely.

This aspect of an online business cannot be overemphasized. To use a much quoted axiom amongst internet marketers: "The money is in the List". Take the time and the effort to do what needs to be done to get your opt-in list building as quickly as possible because your opt-in list is your business.

Rob J Hinchliffe is an experienced writer on the subject of internet marketing and related topics. If you have found this article of help and would like to learn more about how to make money from a profitable online business, please visit for further information on the subject. Internet marketing is the business of today. Discover how you can become a part of it.

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Do share your experiences of building an optin-list. 

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